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SAGI User Policy


Last Updated: 03.20.2024

If you do not agree with this policy, please refrain from uploading content to our Saint Albert the Great Institute (SAGI) Website. Your contributions to our SAGI Website implies acceptance of these Terms.

Please carefully review this Policy which applies to all materials which you contribute to the SAGI Website including any uploaded files, comments, reviews, chats etc. toward any interactive services associated with it.


We are Saint Albert the Great Institute for Science, Faith, and Wisdom and operate the website (the “Website”).


When you use the SAGI Website you warrant that you will comply with this Policy and with all applicable laws.

You also acknowledge that you may not:

  • Use any content from our website without written permission from us.
  • Make any unauthorized use of the services the website provides or its registered users.
  • Circumvent or harm the security-related features of Website, including features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any content therein.
  • Engage in unauthorized linking to the Website or its content.
  • Attempt to learn sensitive account information of its users.
  • Engage in any automated use of the interactive features of the Website, such as scripts to send comments or messages, spamming comments, or using any data mining tools.
  • Attempt to impersonate another user.
  • Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
  • Harass, annoy, intimidate, or threaten any of our agents engaged in providing any portion of the Website to you.
  • Delete the copyright or other proprietary rights notice from any Content.
  • Upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or to transmit) viruses, Trojan horses, or other material that modifies or interferes with the use, features, functions, operation, or maintenance of the Website.
  • Disparage the reputation of the Website and its content.
  • Use the Services in a manner inconsistent with any applicable state and federal laws or regulations.

If you engage in contributing content to our Website, you understand, acknowledge, and agree that you may not:

  • Attempt to uncover any source code or algorithms of the Website or its content by any means whatsoever.
  • Intercept any data not intended for you.
  • Modify or distribute any content, other than as expressly permitted by this Policy, without the prior written consent of the SAGI leadership team, which consent may grant or refuse in its sole and absolute discretion.
  • Upload content or use language that is illegal, false/deceitful/misrepresenting, sexually explicit, predatory/intimidating/bullying/defamatory, violent, politically inciting, filthy/obscene, discriminatory towards any persons, soliciting/unauthorized advertising or is otherwise objectionable (as determined by us).

You warrant that:

  • You create and own or have the necessary licenses, rights, legal consents, releases, and permissions to use and to authorize us to use your contributions in the Website.
  • Your contribution is in accordance with all the above mentioned terms of this Policy. 


We will but are under no obligation to review or moderate the contributions made on the Website and we expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage resulting from any of our users’ breach of this Policy. Please contact us to report any contribution that you believe breaches this Policy; however, we will determine, in our sole discretion, whether a Contribution is indeed in breach of this Policy.


The consequences for violating our Policy will vary depending on the severity of the breach and the user’s history on the Website. Your content may be removed and you may be issued a warning. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Website and disable your account. We may also notify law enforcement depending on the breach. An appeal may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.