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Jeff Geniesse

Jeff Geniesse
SAGI Director, Illuminating Media

“Abba Serapion said, ‘Just as the soldiers of the emperor standing before him dare not turn their attention to the left or to the right, so nothing of the enemy can frighten the person standing before God and being in fear of him all the time.'”

A lifelong creative, Jeffrey Geniesse … through the Providence of God, was directed to the Saint Albert the Great Institute.  

Saint Albert the Great Institute
Welcomes individuals and organizations who are interested in the seeking of truth, to share with humanity!
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Be amazed! Modern medicine and science tell us more about the development of each human being from fertilization to birth than ever before. Join us on a journey where science enlightens us at every step, from the first time a human heart beats, toes wiggle, ears hear music, and unborn eyes see light – all before being born into the world. It’s a journey you’ll never forget!

There is nothing more meaningful for humanity to reflect upon than its own existence…

We have initiated research projects to engineer cells to be better at what they do: producing biological molecules.

From the beginning of our monastic journey we have held that beauty – be it in nature or through the work of human hands – is a path to the Divine.

On the outskirts of Mexico City, the Virgin Mary appears to a simple indigenous man and makes a humble request. A continent is converted and the course of history is changed forever.

Through this book, the reader enters into his own spiritual journey, as we cry out to the living God in the depths of our hearts, “Let me know you, O Lord, who know me; let me know you even as I am known.”

This is the story of the intertwined personal and professional lives of three pioneering women of science, Lise Meitner, Elisabeth Schiemann, and Eva von Bahr…

Studying the natural biological sciences provides a phenomenal opportunity to realize God as the Inimitable Designer of Life.